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Cathy Brehm

Homemade Raised Donuts vs Quick Biscuit Donuts vs Dunkin Donuts

The Great Donut Debate - how do the quick biscuit donuts measure up to homemade raised donuts? And are the expensive Dunkin' Donuts worth the cost?

What prompted this question for me was when on vacation last week I had a moment of weakness. I was running an early morning errand and drove past a Dunkin' Donuts. My first thought was - the grandkids would LOVE fresh donuts for breakfast. And they did! But I was astonished that a dozen donuts cost $15!!

Being the frugal person I am, as I was checking out I am thinking .... I could make these for a WHOLE LOT LESS!! Being the OCD person I am, I immediately started calculating the cost of making donuts vs purchasing. And there is the time consideration too, so are the quick biscuit donuts a comparable alternative.

Cost: To make raised donuts from scratch (minus the oil to fry) costs between .15 and .25 each depending on the ingredients you purchase and whether you glaze them, sugar coat or go all out and put chocolate glaze and sprinkles! The air fryer donuts are slightly more expensive ranging from .35 to .45 depending on toppings. Again, this does not include the oil to fry, but these can easily be air fryed eliminating the need for oil. Either way the savings is substantial in comparison to the $1.25 at Dunkin'.


Homemade Raised Donuts - I have two recipes that I am linking to this post. One takes a little longer but it is a fluffier, richer tasting donut because you chill it for a couple hours which enhances the texture and flavor. In my opinion - Dunkin has nothing on these donuts. The homemade are a superior flavor and texture. And the recipe makes 2 dozen donuts that are larger than the ones you buy. Granted, it takes more time and work but it is well worth it. You don't need to stick to just glazed, go crazy and make a variety. If you don't make the hole you can fill them as well!!

Homemade Raised Donuts Quick - This is basically the same recipe as above without the additional chilling time. They aren't quite as fluffy and the texture is a little different but I still find them to be a better donut than a purchased donut. They take a couple hours start to finish but are delicious!!

Quick Biscuit Donuts - I have been seeing tons of recipes for these in my Facebook feed for the last year. They all appear to be the same and as advertised they were very quick and easy to make. I fried my in oil so I could get as close of a comparison as possible and opted for a Cinnamon Sugar topping. In comparison to a homemade raised donut they were pale in comparison, however if I wasn't comparing them side by side they would have been a tasty treat. I also would say they were not as good as the Dunkin Donut. But in their defense, if you were making these for a snack, or even a brunch where they were not a focal point they are a good, quick option for a donut. I would say I prefer these over some of the donuts that you can purchase from the grocery store or gas station especially when served warm.

Overall, if I am on vacation and don't have the option of making my own donuts, the happiness that the $15 Dunkin Donuts brought my grandkids was worth every penny. BUT - if given the option my preference would be to make the homemade raised donuts every time!!

Or our favorite - Reagan's Monkey Bread!!


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